Santa & little girl
Until how old did you believe in Santa? The humor that this Christmas is late is funny because Santa has to pay two weeks these days. Let's turn the year-end atmosphere into an illustration.
Until how old did you believe in Santa? The humor that this Christmas is late is funny because Santa has to pay two weeks these days. Let's turn the year-end atmosphere into an illustration.
여러분은 몇살까지 산타의 존재를 믿으셨나요~ 올 크리스마스는 산타가 2주 자가격리를 해야해서 늦는다는 유머가 웃픈 요즘. 연말 분위기를 일러스트로 대신해 봅니다.

iPad Pro 11 + Procrete + Bellaland Brush (Color Pencil)

The video containing the process of drawing was put on the YouTube [Byeolra Land] channel! The YouTube video contains all the small conversations and questions received with the people who participated in the chat, so please have fun.
그림 그리는 과정이 담긴 영상은 유튜브 [별라랜드] 채널에 담아두었어요! 유튜브 영상에는 채팅 참여해주신 분들과 소소하게 대화한 것, 질문받은 것 등이 모두 담겨있으니 재미있게 봐주세요.
Bella Land Drawing Live Video
Thank you!