Curious child
나는 궁금한 게 많은 아이였다.
길에서 보는 거의 모든 것을 물어보고 또 물어봤다.
내 기억에 엄마는 한 번도 ‘모른다’고 답하신 적이 없다.
생각해보면 엄마가 다 아는 것은 아니었을 텐데 말이다.
이제는 거꾸로 엄마가 내게 질문을 하신다.
나는 어릴 때 엄마처럼 잘 답해주고 있을까?
I was a curious child. I asked and re-asked almost everything I saw on the road. As far as I can remember, my mom never said 'I don't know'. Come to think of it, she probably wouldn't have known everything about her.Now on the other hand, my mother asks me a question. Am I answering as well as my mother when I was young?

iPad Pro 12.9 4th, Procreate App, Bellaland Brush with Canvas Texture, Adobe Photoshop
Brush & Palette

iPad Drawing Class
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별라랜드 Bellaland